
by Baidu Map



Science and technology to make travel easier. Intelligent maps new upgrade, immediately turn your simple travel.

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百度地图是新一代人工智能地图,是为用户提供智能路线规划及导航、地点查询、智能旅游等出行相关服务的平台,支持全局语音操控,AR实景导航等全新交互模式。百度地图国际化地图已覆盖全球200多个国家及地区。致力于为用户提供更准确、更丰富、更易用的出行服务。功能介绍:【智能语音】-语音技术行业领先,可实现全端唤醒,全局操控-喊“小度小度”,轻松查路线、搜地点、问天气,沿途搜等【智能规划】-提供包含打车、驾车、公交、步行、骑行、火车、飞机等出行方式的智能规划方案-全国范围内,提供多种交通方式组合的智能出行方案-提供未来7天,任意时刻出行路线规划,方便提前查看-时间优先,躲避拥堵,少收费,不走高速等多种路线偏好任你选择【智能导航】-路况秒级更新,实时推荐更优路线,智能躲避拥堵-智能定位,GPS信号弱也能持续导航-公交导航到站提醒,实时公交覆盖多城【智能推荐】-根据个人出行时间、方式等偏好,个性化推荐优质方案-发现周边,一键发现身边吃喝玩乐好去处-智能旅游,游玩路线推荐、AI导游跟随讲解、AR导览实景带路,让你玩转景区【遇到问题请快速联系我们】用户论坛:http://tieba.baidu.com/百度地图官方微博:http://weibo.com/n/百度地图微信公共号搜索: baiduditu您还可以直接在应用内“我的-帮助与反馈”中进行反馈,我们将及时处理您的问题。Baidu map is a new generation of artificial intelligence map. It is a platform for users to provide intelligent route planning and navigation, location query, smart travel and other travel related services, and supports new interactive modes such as global voice control and AR real-time navigation. Baidu map international map has covered more than 200 countries and regions around the world. Committed to providing users with more accurate, richer and easier to use travel services.Features:[smart voice]-Leading in the voice technology industry, enabling full-end wake-up and global control- Shout "small degree", easy to check routes, search locations, ask the weather, search along the way, etc.[Intelligent Planning]-Providing intelligent planning solutions including taxi, driving, bus, walking, cycling, train, airplane, etc.-National, intelligent travel solutions offering a variety of modes of transportation- Provide travel route planning at any time for the next 7 days, convenient for early viewing- Time priority, avoiding congestion, less fees, no high speed, etc.[Smart Navigation]- Second-order road conditions update, recommend better routes in real time, intelligently avoid congestion-Intelligent positioning, weak GPS signal and continuous navigation- Bus navigation to station reminder, real-time bus coverage in multiple cities【Intelligent Recommendation】- Personalized recommendation of quality solutions based on personal travel time, method and other preferences- Discover the surrounding area, find a place to eat, drink, and play with one click-Smart travel, tour route recommendation, AI tour guide follow the explanation, AR guide real scene, let you play the scenic spot[Please contact us if you have any problems]User Forum: http://tieba.baidu.com/Baidu MapOfficial Weibo: http://weibo.com/n/ Baidu MapWeChat public number search: baidudituYou can also respond directly to the "My - Help & Feedback" app in the app and we will process your issue in a timely manner.百度地图V15.12.0全新发布!-新能源导航2.0版本上线,智能充电规划,长途放心出发;-跨城出行体验新升级,交通方案一键比对,候车信息便捷查询;-货车页面全新升级,限行信息一目了然,常用功能一键开启;-周边全新改版,附近上榜好去处,商场美食轻松找;赶快更新、下载最新版本的百度地图,9句话录制专属语音包,全方位升级出行体验!